Micronutrient Deficiency
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), Susceptibility to infections, and Immunodefiency
The Story
The Story
I find it very important to eat a balanced diet and to buy fresh, seasonal and regional foodstuffs. For this reason, a balanced diet is the focus of my healthy lifestyle. I check extremely carefully where a particular food item comes from and whether it is free from all additives. Yet despite my healthy lifestyle, I felt increasingly tired and listless. I was constantly getting infections and even caught glandular fever. I couldn’t understand why, despite my healthy lifestyle, I seemed to have such a weak immune system, so I decided to get to the bottom of the matter.
by Dr. Antoinette J. Föhr-Keller
The Medical Assessment
The Journey
I decided to consult Dr. Antoinette J. Föhr-Keller and to have a full blood analysis carried out. In this way, potential micronutrient deficiencies might be identified which could explain the reason for my susceptibility to infection. As health insurance generally won’t fund this type of analysis, I knew I would have to pay a private provider for it out of my own pocket. But my main con- cern was my health, which is why I was happy to have this done.
The Success
The blood analysis came up with a clear deficiency in numerous vitamins and minerals – despite the fact that I follow a healthy diet. Dr. Föhr-Keller prescribed a targeted supplementation programme with the missing micro- nutrients, in order to quickly rectify the deficit. Within 2–3 weeks, a noticeable improvement took place – I felt so much better, and I suddenly had much more energy than previously. I was able to approach my daily life with much more power and enthusiasm. I quickly realized how little you really had to in- vest in order to radically improve your quality of life and how vitally important an optimum supply of micronutrients is. I would certainly do it again.
t is possible to determine the micronutrient status of a person with a targeted blood analysis. There can be various reasons for a micronutrient deficit, even in the case of a balanced diet. An increased requirement due to a certain lifestyle, reduced nutritional values in the foodstuffs caused by their method of production, and the different physiques of different people can all result in the reduced absorption and processing of the micronutrients ingested. Therefore, I count a micronutrient analysis in the case of a persistent sense of malaise as a vital investment. It’s the first step in returning to a clear status quo. Also, I would recommend everyone to take advantage of this sooner rather than later as a preventive measure, before physical or mental problems occur. Symptoms such as exhaustion, concentration disorders, weakened immune system, sleep disturbances, hormone imbalance, muscle cramps, etc. can be prevented through early intervention with an individual micronutrient treatment.

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Lifestyle Changes

A balanced and varied diet is desirable, in which the focus is on so-called nutrient density. Fruit, vegetables, pulses, potatoes and whole-grain products have the greatest nutrient density.