As a scientific company, Biogena works with renowned institutions and academic research facilities. Through these scientific collaborations, Biogena supports innovative research projects and studies. The results contribute to our highly effective micronutrient formulas.
Diagnostics AG

Each day, 3500 samples from all over Europe arrive at this medical diagnostic laboratory in Mainz (Germany). An interdisciplinary team with over 270 employees diagnoses allergies, intolerances, metabolic and immunologic diseases by searching for laboratory parameters. For achieving this goal, they work in an interdisciplinary team with over 270 employees.
Viva – The centre for modern Mayr medicine

Enzymforschungsgesellschaft (MEF)

The “Medizinische Enzymforschungsgesellschaft (MEF)“ (Medical Enzyme Research Society) in Grassau (Bavaria, Germany) is engaged in researching the pharmacokinetics of enzymes and in medically and scientifically describing their use in therapy. Key issues are acute and chronically inflammatory diseases as well as oncology.
für Lebensmittel und Umwelt GmbH

International Society
of Mayr physicians

The International Society of MAYR Physicians has the aim of advancing, modernising and spreading the diagnostic and therapeutic findings of the physician F. X. Mayr. Its tasks are for example the (further) education of Mayr physicians and the conduction of case studies. About 600 physicians are members of the society.
Forum Orthomolekulare Medizin

In the Mayr centres in Maria Wörth and Altaussee (Austria), diagnostic and therapy according to F. X. Mayr are combined with Applied Kinesiology (functional muscle tests). In addition to medical stomach treatments, they offer massages, Kneipp applications, movement therapy and individual supportive programmes. VIVA-Mayr and Biogena are working together closely in developing practical micronutrient preparations.
The LEFO (Institute for Food and Environment) near Hamburg (Germany) is an independent accredited laboratory that analyses foodstuffs, cosmetics and utensils. There, a competent team of analytical chemists, biologists and food chemists tests and approves each Biogena product batch. The LEFO Institute is a competent contact for food regulatory questions, safety evaluation and quality control.
The Forum Orthomolecular Medicine that is located in Munich (Germany) is a non-profit association of which interested therapists and laymen can become members in the sections “healthcare professions” or sustaining member”. The members can participate in projects of the association and are informed about current activities on a regular basis. Moreover, it offers continuing education courses based on an education curriculum.
Die Plattform

The “Plattform” (Physician platform orthomolecular medicine) is an education series for orthomolecular medicine. In recent years, this branch has developed into a link between conventional medicine and complementary medicine. Goal of the newly established education series (at the end of which you receive the ÖÄK-Diploma for Orthomolecular Medicine) is practical imparting of knowledge by speakers that can look back on a long lasting experience in the use of micronutrients.