All you need to know about supplements and micronutrients: Biogena is more than the sum of its parts. Sound specialist knowledge, responsible action, and the will to achieve uncompromising quality are the cornerstones of our mission to enable all people worldwide to enjoy better health. The Biogena preparations and their various applications form the basis for this.**

1. Tips for buying dietary supplements**
A) Safety and quality
In the EU, dietary supplements are governed by EU and national legislation on food safety (in particular, the Austrian Food Supplement Ordinance (Nahrungsergänzungsmittelverordnung)) and are monitored for food quality. Biogena is ISO 22000:2005 certified and thus fulfils the requirements for a responsible company. We regularly have our products tested by the independent LEFO Institute for Food and Environment in order to ensure that our raw materials do not contain impurities, pesticides, or other unwanted substances. After production, each batch undergoes further quality checks by the LEFO Institute.
B) Pure substance principle
Because micronutrients are usually taken over a long time, they must be made from premium ingredients. We are totally committed to the pure substance principle. This means that we seek to ensure the optimum absorption of active ingredients and guarantee the best possible tolerance (see box below).
C) Bioavailability
Many micronutrients are available in different chemical compounds – this is especially true for minerals and trace elements. Some of these compounds are better absorbed and utilised by the body than others. Accordingly, they have a higher bioavailability. Bioavailability describes how quickly and to what extent a nutrient is absorbed and available at the site of action.
Pure substances means...
pure active ingredients
without artificial dyes
without flavourings
without carriers
without release agents
without coating materials
2. Tips for consuming dietary supplements**
Certain micronutrients must be consumed at an optimal time. As an orientation, please follow the consumption recommendation on the label or the recommendation of your doctor or therapist. This ensures the best possible intake.
Iron: This should preferably be consumed on an empty stomach or 1 to 2 hours after a meal.
Zinc: It is best to consume zinc in the evening because tolerance and absorption will be better then.
Plant extracts: Consume immediately before or with a meal.
Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A, D, E, and K: Consume with a (fatty) meal.
D) The right duration of use
Many people hope for an immediate result after consuming a micronutrient preparation. However, a bit of patience is required, especially in the case of a deficiency. This will pay off in the long run.
In most cases, the depleted reserves must first be replenished. This process usually takes several weeks or months.
Micronutrients should generally be consumed over a longer period of time.
Irregular supplementation is less successful than regular and consistent supplementation.
E) The right dose
A sensible combination and balanced dosage of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, plant extracts, enzymes, and reproductive bacterial cultures is crucial. Please follow the recommendations on the label or the advice of your doctor or therapist.
Biogena is the specialist in product formulation. The dosage and composition of each individual preparation is well documented.
Combination preparations: several ingredients in one product – can be used for a wide range of applications
Monopreparations: only one ingredient in the product – used for targeted and individualised micronutrient supply
F) Synergy effect and complex formation
The optimal interaction of vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients is the basis for a lasting positive influence on well-being.**
Vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin K2: Vitamin D can only be converted into its active form when magnesium is present. Only active vitamin D increases the formation of osteocalcin – an important hormone for bone formation – which is then converted by vitamin K2 so that it can bind calcium in the bone.
Iron: The absorption of iron is significantly improved in combination with vitamin C. Calcium and magnesium can impair iron absorption.
G) Interactions
When medication is taken regularly over the long term, a doctor can explain possible interactions with dietary supplements. More information can be found at:
Bacterial cultures: A multi-strain preparation for the targeted supply of beneficial bacteria should be consumed at least 2 to 3 hours before or after taking antibiotics. Otherwise the antibiotic will prevent the beneficial bacteria from propagating. The contact time with gastric acid should be minimised so that as many of the beneficial bacteria as possible enter the intestines undamaged.**
**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.