Food Intolerance
Allergies, histamine & gluten intolerance, and pollen allergy
The Story
The Story
At the age of 12, I developed severe allergies to pretty much everything - tree pollen, grass, house dust and cats. I had sneezing fits and a runny nose almost all year round. The blossoming of the birch tree in particular caused me terrible discomfort, so much so that I spent most of the spring on my couch, my nose sore from constantly blowing it. From the point of view of orthodox medicine, the only way to find relief was to supress my symptoms with medication, but the true cause itself was never sought. A colleague at work recommended that I try acupuncture, whereupon I became interested in this mode of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).
The Journey
I trusted conventional medicine, but still wanted to find a doctor who also dealt with TCM. I chose Dr. Alexandra Knauer, who quickly found out that the origin of the allergies was my apparently disturbed digestion and that I also suffered from a gluten intolerance. My therapy not only included Chinese herbs and targeted acupuncture, but also individual supplementation with various Biogena preparations. In addition, due to my intolerance, I was to avoid foods containing gluten and, especially during the main flowering period, foods rich in histamine. I was also directed to strengthen my immune system with additional vitamin C and magnesium at the beginning of the allergy season.
The Success
Since being treated by Dr. Alexandra Knauer, my allergies have virtually disappeared. When the allergy season starts in spring, I take all the re- commended micronutrients again, and I’m free of symptoms even without medication - a great feeling. I’m doing so well that I can go about my work like everyone else and also meet friends again. All this would not have been possible not so long ago, given how much the allergies restricted my ever- yday life and took away so much of the joy. I can now pursue all my leisure activities full of energy and joy - and all without any sneezing.
by Dr. Alexandra Knauer
The Medical Assessment
The Medical Assessment

Histamine is an inflammatory mediator which is released in allergies and food intolerances. Diamine oxidase (DAO) is an enzyme that breaks down this histamine to allow the reaction to take place in a regulated manner. In addition to a low-histamine diet, the supplementary intake of co-factors of DAO during times of particular stress offers another way to reduce histamine exposure. Strengthening the intestinal mucosa and supplying the cofactors of the DAO (vitamin B6, vitamin C, magnesium, zinc and copper) can increase enzyme activity and thus promote the breakdown of histamine.
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Lifestyle Changes

If you suffer from allergies, a low-histamine diet is advisable and, especially during pollen season, a very good way to alleviate allergy symptoms. Foods that contain particularly high levels of histamine are red wine, beer, coffee, black and green tea, cocoa, fish and meat (especially if it is no longer very fresh), cheese (the riper, the more histamine), sauerkraut, tomatoes, avocado, spinach, mushrooms, vine- gar and soy sauce.