Lack Of Drive
Inner unrest, stress, mood changes, and lack of energy
The Story
The Story
To be honest, I never really suffered with my monthly periods, and I would describe myself as a very balanced and positive person. However, at some stage I noticed that my mood always seemed to get worse just before my period – I was in a bad mood, and suddenly everything became such a huge effort for me. In addition, I felt lacking in any kind of drive or energy, particularly when I was alone. I also noticed that my mood always got better, and I felt much happier when I wasn’t spending all my time alone but instead with family and friends.
The Journey
I wanted to improve my general state of health, so I consulted Dr. Irmgard Zierden. After listening to my medical history, she recommended Griffonia50 Serolution® with the amino acids 5-HTP and phenylalanine, which are both precursors of the “happiness hormone” serotonin. This recommen-dation was very good for me as I really suffered from inner restlessness and feelings of discomfort at this particular time in my cycle. The additional vitamins B1, B6, B12, niacin and biotin support the function of the nervous system and contribute to normal mental processes. Even though as a student my finances are limited, I still felt it was worthwhile to give this treatment with micronutrients a go and to consciously invest my money in my health.
The Success
I followed the recommendations of Dr. Irmgard Zierden and took a course of Griffonia50 Serolution®. I immediately noticed an improvement in my well- being, particularly towards the end of my cycle. My spirits lifted, my bad mood disappeared, and even my feelings of discomfort and inner restlessness seemed to evaporate. I certainly notice the positive effect of Griffonia50 Serolution® on my mood if I leave off taking it for a while. My dep-ressed mood and my feelings of restlessness and discomfort very quickly reappear. I start taking the product once again as before, and I feel so much better – this investment in my health has more than paid off for me.
by Dr. Irmgard Zierden
The Medical Assessment
A lack of serotonin can cause a lack of drive, tiredness, mood swings or depression. If you are suffering from a lack of serotonin, you can help the body by taking additional 5-HTP, to encourage it to produce the “happiness hormone” in greater quantities. The therapeutic treatment of depression with Griffonia under medical supervision has often led to positive results. Howe- ver, if you are already taking antidepressants, you should not self-medicate with 5-HTP as this could result in what is known as serotonin syndrome. The decision whether antidepressants are necessary or whether they can be replaced by 5-HTP is a medical decision.

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Lifestyle Changes

There are a number of foods that contain tryptophan. In order to eat yourself happy (and this doesn’t mean lots of treats and junk food), the following foods are high on the list: parmesan, cashew nuts, camembert, wheat germ and peanuts.

Alcohol can have a negative effect on the hormone balance. In addition, the consumption of too much alcohol leads to restless and unrestorative sleep. Particularly in the case of depression, good and restorative sleep is vitally important.